Covenant Membership

One of the clearest ways that we can show that we are Jesus’ disciples is by identifying with and submitting to a local body of believers. Even if you’re not a covenant member of Redeemer, we’ll care for and serve you just like everyone else, but covenanting in membership is an important part of following Jesus and opens up other opportunities to plug in and serve.

Here's What You Can Expect

Attend An “Exploring Redeemer” membership class

You’ll meet some of our church leadership, hear our story and vision, learn about what we believe, hear why we do what we do, and find ways to get connected. Once you’ve completed our membership class, you’ll be ready to apply for membership. If you’d like to participate in one of our “Exploring Redeemer” classes, let us know!

Membership Interview

Fill out a membership application and read through our core documents. Our statement of faith details what we believe; our philosophy of ministry shows how what we believe informs our practice as a church; our church covenant describes how we agree to live toward one another; our constitution presents how we function as a church. In a membership interview, our elders seek to hear a testimony of faith in Christ and baptism as a believer and give the opportunity to ask any questions prospective members may have about Redeemer.

Join in Covenant Membership

The elders will present those who have applied and been interviewed for membership to the congregation once these steps are complete, and you’ll join with us in covenant membership, committing to partner with our local body of believers in the work God has called us to together.

Why Church Membership?